Sunday, March 20, 2016

Snow... Plus...Kids...Plus...Camera Challenge

The Happenings of Maywood Cottage.

I was hoping for another snow before Spring erased winter's vestige and yesterday, the day before the first day of Spring, it snowed.  Big wet flakes of the white stuff fell for most of the day.  The temps hovered around freezing so most the snow melted away following its wistful landing. Hubby and I watched it fall from the warm rooms of our home. We read while it fell, we baked carrot cake muffins while it fell, we took care of a few chores around the house while it fell, we watched a couple of programs while it fell.

Then, I remembered, I need to take a few photos of inclement weather for a photo challenge I'm participating in.  I asked the grandkids if they would be willing to be my amazing models; "of course" they all chimed in, well, all except one who was recovering from the stomach flu.

I researched the camera settings I would need for falling snow, pulled on my hiking boots, shrugged into my coat, grabbed my camera, tripod and an umbrella and met the kids outside.  It was so much fun capturing their sweet smiles and personalities on film...I mean a memory card.

Even the Cottage pup posed for a few shots.

It's was a great snow day.



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